Standing for food justice by sharing seeds in North London

Seeds: locally grown, saved, and freely shared with the community, bring bursting window boxes, biodiverse allotments, full bellies, and community spirit to city streets.

Black Rootz and Go Grow With Love, of our London We Feed The UK story, shared thousands of seeds with residents of North London. This vibrant event, full of hope for the future, has the potential to feed, nourish, and nurture the local community for many years to come.

Moma Selma’s heirloom pumpkin seeds were the stars of the show, imbued with 50 years of care and adaptation in local soil.

The seed share took place under two of five Buildhollywood billboards, featuring Arpita Shah‘s photographs of the projects, alongside snippets from Zena Edward‘s poem ‘Tincture’. Gaia’s own Seed Sovereignty Programme co-hosted the event as part of their work in creating a more resilient, diverse and abundant food system.

Let the words of inspired attendees empower you to plant your first seed…

“With one seed you can grow millions of fruits”

Free, locally grown, yard long bean seeds
Child choosing free seeds to plant in North London
Heirloom pumpkin seeds grown in London

“I think it’s really important to connect people to growing their own food in cities”