The regenerative farmers, urban growers, sustainable fishers and grain rebels featured in We Feed the UK are at the root of our future resilience. 

If you’re feeling inspired by these custodians of land, sea, soil and seed, and are wondering what you can do to support them, below are some resources to help you find your role in the movement, whether you’re a farmer, fisher or a citizen.

Our regional events are the perfect place to inherit knowledge, impart wisdom, and build connections that will power our collective transition towards agroecological farming.  

You can also choose to support The Gaia Foundation, helping us to champion Earth’s best custodians, from the UK to the Amazon, Arctic, and Africa. Thanks for considering a donation.


Shop: The Nature Friendly Farming Network have created a brilliant guide to how to shop to support regenerative farming and farmers.


Buying local and seasonal produce is a great place to start, but you can also add your voice to the chorus of support for nature friendly farming online (including sharing stories from We Feed The UK!).  

Over the past 35 years, Riverford have created a revolutionary supply chain that is transparent and fair for all. They want every UK farmer to enjoy the same conditions and are calling for all major UK supermarkets to commit to their Fair to Farmers Charter. The charter would transform the lives of farmers, giving them stability, a reliable income and protecting the future of British food and farming for the long term. 

We need to promote policy change that connects food with farming, the environment, local economy and health. The Land Workers’ Alliance supports a model of change based in grassroots organising and social movements as drivers of social and political transformation. Since leaving the EU, the UK has embarked on a period of unparalleled legislative change, and changes to agricultural law and policy have been no exception. The LWA believe that voices of small scale agroecological farmers and consumers should influence this transition, and they are active in lobbying and policy work across England, Wales and Scotland. 

Other ways to get involved… 




  • by screening the Hungry for Change film (a film about how businesses can help solve issues in the food system and put nature at the heart of decision-making) in your workplace
  • for greater access rights to land and waterways through the Right to Roam campaign 


The Gaia Foundation’s Seed Sovereignty Programme supports a locally-adapted and locally-loved seed system across Britain and Ireland.

With a team of regionally-based coordinators responding to local people and landscapes, the Seed Sovereignty programme is increasing the amount of agro-ecological seed being sown and shared right here – restoring resilience, diversity and culture with growers, not corporations.

You can find training, join networks and even tune into regular episodes of Seed TV.

Learn: You can also explore concerns around the impact of genetic modification by following GM Freeze. 

Attend: The Heritage Seed Library has a great list of local Seed Swaps – why not pop into one near you?


Shop: Support local fishing communities by finding genuinely sustainable sources of fish like those championed by Sole of Discretion.  


Scotland based charity Seawilding are the UK’s first community-led native oyster and seagrass restoration project. Based in Loch Craignish, Argyll and Loch Broom, Wester Ross, they are working to restore lost biodiversity, sequester carbon, create green jobs and to mentor other community-based groups to do the same. Find out more about them and share their story to help create a ripple across the fishing sector.  

Campaigning for a thriving ocean and thriving people, Surfers Against Sewage recognise that ocean health is vital to us all. The food we eat, the water we drink, the places we live and the climate we depend upon, are all shaped by a healthy and stable ocean. Through ambitious campaigning and education programmes, SaS are building a community of ocean lovers to create a wave of change. 


Regenerative farmers often start with restoring soil, before expanding to a host of holistic practices. If you’re a farmer interested in transitioning to a regenerative approach, or want to discuss pathways with a farming friend, here are one or two excellent places to start…  

The Nature Friendly Farming Network is a great place to get further information about regenerative farming including events and farmers near you, who are part of this thriving and ever growing network.  

Roots to Regeneration is a year-long regenerative agriculture training program pioneered by authorities, Caroline Grindrod and Clare Hill. The primary aim is to support and facilitate the transition from conventional to regenerative farming. Caroline and Claire offer a transformative journey through an immersive farm stay, hands-on training across various farms, engaging online courses, live discussions with experts, and regular Zoom coaching sessions. They are closing the first round of applications to farmers on 20th February 2024 but more will follow so lodge your interest now.